Scratch pad thinking...

I've been able to get 75% return per day on some days but to do this consistently day-after-day-after day has been too difficult to do. And it isn't just the 75% return (that's the "easy" part), its the consistency of producing 40% winners out of the eight-to-twelve or so pre-selected races day after day that's proving difficult. On one day you may win 50% of your races and on another only 30%. On the 30% day you loose 8 out of 12 races and along with it a sequencial number of loses greater than 5 in a row.

M4 as designed uses a (Logical Choice) Greeks cut off point of 40% (which means two picks to win) and it usually can't withstand more than 4, 5 or 6 losses in a row (depending on Post Time Odds of the ones being bet to win).

One obvious solution here is to use only one pick. It should be able to withstand 7 or more losses in a row. True enough, but I have not been able to design a handicapping system that can consistently pick the winner 40% of the time.

But, you say, what if you could pick thee one winner 30% of the time and bet only one to win, then what?

Well...I'm working on that.

If a one-pick could survive 7, 8, 9 losses in a row then you'd have something. (But notice, it can't be the favorite because by definition the odds of the favorite are low and the lower the odds the lower the number of sequential losses you can withstand.)

TBC (To Be Continued)...

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