Not as in "swinger-as-in-wife-swapper" as in "gutless-coward(s)" on the issue of Romantic Love as-in-saying Yes to it explicitly rather than saying No via partner-swapping and then pretending that No and Yes are the same thing.

They are not.


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By Romantic Love I (introductorily) mean: the ability to choose the one out of the many and to act—for better or for worse and if it ends up being for worse, to then do something about it at such time and to re-choose at that time—to choose thee one and to act on one’s judgment, is my tenative/working definition of Romantic Love. (He said, November 20th, 2004 a little more than a quarter of a century after his first re-choice where he did say No to his internal (dream) love doctor when same asked if he wanted him to re-plant the love seed and ... halt, stop. Yu are getting way too personal here and no one really wants to hear it anyway... at least, not at this time. Therefore, stop and)

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