The only problem with this is I've never met anyone who believes in a metaphorical god.

Never anyone except me that is.

And to be truthfull, I'm not even sure about me.

When I say, or rather think to myself: "thank god for Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, and Dr. Peikoff", I know that it's only metaphorical: I don't really thank god.

Since I am not a god believer who or what am I thanking?

The only answer here that makes sense is, the people named in the thank god statement.

God then is a metaphor for extreemly high up on my value totem pole. Very very high in fact and if not at the exact top then as close as you can get to it without actually being it. And so close in fact that for delimited time intervals some non-self objects can actually occupy the top.

Delimited time intervals, that is, that are delimited by me and my human need to keep my life at the actual top

I have another way to express the delimiting process: "No thing is bigger than life. This includes Objectivism.".